Our Help Center
Are parents allowed to watch tryouts?
No, tryouts are closed to the public. This is to prevent any distraction while clinics and tryouts are going on.
What do I wear for clinics?
For clinics fill free to wear any solid colored tee shirt and shorts and tennis shoes or cheer shoes. Hair must be tied back in a ponytail. We ask that you do not wear any type of jewelry though.
What do I wear for Tryouts?
Required dress for Tryout day is as follows:
Solid white, short-sleeved tee shirt (no writing; tucked in), Black shorts, Tennis shoes/cheer shoes, Hair must be tied back in a ponytail, Make-up: must be natural! Again - NO jewelry, NO gum, NO hard hair devices, NO visible tattoos.
Why is it such a big deal that my parents come to a meeting for tryouts?
Having your parents come to a meeting lets us know that they are willing to get involved and gives us a chance to make sure EVERYONE understands the commitment involved (both financial and time)